What Is The Country Code Number Of Bangladesh – See The Code Number Of All Countries

What is the code number of Bangladesh - See the code number of all countries at a glance
What Is The Code Number Of Bangladesh

Who doesn’t want to know Bangladesh’s code number? However, 99% of respondents incorrectly say that all Bangladeshi SIM numbers begin with 01 and that the country’s code is +88. This is an entirely false impression. Thus, the proper code for Bangladesh is +880, and the SIM number 1 is used by all Bangladeshi operators.

What is the country code of Bangladesh?

Bangladesh country code: +880 Many people believe that Bangladesh’s code number and country code are different. However, the correct code number and country code are the same number.

Answer some simple questions

  • 013 No SIM: Grameenphone
  • 014 no SIM: Banglalink
  • 015 no SIM: Teletalk
  • 016 no SIM: Airtel
  • 017 No SIM: Grameenphone
  • 018 no SIM: Rabi
  • 019 No SIM: Banglalink

While this article focuses on Bangladesh, you might be interested in country codes for other countries. The good news is that there are numerous web resources for identifying phone numbers from all around the world. Before I provide you you need to know some important information:

Can I Change My Phone’s Country Code Number?

You cannot modify your phone’s country code number. The country code is associated with the SIM card you received from your mobile provider, which is assigned based on your location. It identifies which nation your phone number is registered in and cannot be changed.

Which Country Code Number Should I Use for International Calls?

For international calls, you can’t use a single country code number because the code changes based on the destination’s country. Every country has a unique code!

Here is All Country Code Number.

+1 any country code number

+1 country code for USA and Canada.

+49 is a country code

+49 is the country code for Germany.

+98 is a country code number

+98 is the country code of Iran.

+44 is a country code number

+44 is the UK country code.

+39 is a country code number

+39 is the country code of Italy

+976 is a country code number

+976 Mongolia country code

+356 is a country code number

+356 is the country code for Malta

+371 is a country code number

+371 is the country code for Latvia.

+373 is a country code number

+373 Moldova country code number.

+372 is a country code number

+372 Estonia country code number.

+370 is a country code number

+370 is the country code for Lithuania.

+378 is a country code number

+378 is the country code for San Marino.

+1 any country code number

+1 is the country code of Canada.

+355 is a country code number

+355 is the country code for Albania.

+376 is a country code number

+376 is the country code for Andorra.

+382 is a country code number

+382 Montenegro country code number.

+387 is a country code number

+387 is the country code for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

+359 is a country code number

+359 Bulgaria country code number.

+379 is a country code number

+379 Vatican country code number.

+30 is a country code number

+30 is the country code of the Hellenic country.

+357 is a country code number

+357 Cyprus country code number.

+90 is a country code number

+90 is the country code of Turkey.

+421 is a country code number

+421 is the country code for Slovakia.

+974 is a country code number

+974 is the country code of Qatar.

+972 is a country code number

+972 Israel country code number.

+965 is a country code number

+965 Kuwait country code number.

+966 is a country code number

+966 is the country code of Saudi Arabia.

+33 is a country code number

+33 is the country code of France.

+34 is a country code number

+34 is the country code for Spain.

+374 is a country code number

+374 Armenia country code number.

+40 is a country code number

+40 is the country code for Romania.

+994 is a country code number

+994 is the country code number of Azerbaijan.

+27 is a country code number

+27 is the country code of South Africa.

+91 is a country code number

+91 is the country code of India

+423 is a country code number

+423 is the country code of Liechtenstein.

+420 is a country code number

+420 Czech country code

+353 is a country code number

+353 is the country code for Ireland.

+43 is a country code number

+43 is the country code for Austria.

+377 is a country code number

+377 is the country code for Monaco.

+352 is a country code number

+352 is the country code for Luxembourg.

+385 is a country code number

+385 is the country code for Croatia.

+351 is a country code number

+351 is the country code of Portugal.

+31 is a country code number

+31 is the country code of the Netherlands.

+45 is a country code number

+45 is the country code for Denmark.

+36 is a country code number

+36 is the country code of Hungary.

+961 is a country code number

+961 is the country code for Lebanon.

+354 is a country code number

+354 is the country code for Iceland.

+32 is a country code number

+32 is the country code of Belgium.

+381 is a country code number

+381 is the country code for Serbia

+358 is a country code number

+358 is the country code of Finland.

+41 is a country code number

+41 is the country code for Switzerland.

+81 is a country code number

+81 is the country code of Japan.

+421 is a country code number

+421 is the country code for Slovakia.

+48 is a country code number

+48 is the country code for Poland.

+82 is a country code number

+82 is the country code of Korea.

+46 is a country code number

+46 is the country code for Sweden.

+47 is a country code number

+47 is the country code of Norway.

+375 is a country code number

+375 is the country code of Belarus.

+60 is a country code number

+60 is the country code of Malaysia.

+61 is a country code number

+61 is the country code of Australia.

+357 is a country code number

+357 is the country code of Kybris.

+389 is a country code number

+389 is the country code for North Macedonia.

+383 is a country code number

+383 is the country code for Kosovo.

+254 is a country code number

+254 is the country code for Kenya.

+2 country code number

+2 is the country code of Abu Dhabi.

+244 is a country code number

+244 is the country code for Angola.

+1264 is a country code number

+1264 is the country code of Anguilla.

+1268 is a country code number

+1268 is the country code for Antigua and Barbuda.

+54 is a country code number

+54 is the country code for Argentina.

+247 is a country code number

+247 is the country code of Ascension.

+1242 is a country code number

+1242 is the country code of Bahamas.

+973 is a country code number

+973 is the country code for Bahrain.

+880 is a country code number

+880 is the country code of Bangladesh.

+1246 is a country code number

+1246 is the country code for Barbados.

+501 is a country code number

+501 is the country code for Belize.

+229 is a country code number

+229 is the country code of Benin.

+1441 is a country code number

+1441 is the country code for Bermuda.

+591 is a country code number

+591 is the country code for Bolivia.

+267 is a country code number

+267 is the country code for Botswana.

+55 is a country code number

+55 is the country code of Brazil.

+673 is a country code number

+673 is the country code for Brunei.

+226 is a country code number

+226 is the country code for Burkina-Faso.

+95 is a country code number

+95 is the country code of Burma.

+257 is a country code number

+257 is the country code for Burundi.

+237 is a country code number

+237 is the country code of Cameroon.

+1345 is a country code number

+1345 is the country code for Cayman Islands.

+236 is a country code number

+236 is the country code for Central African Republic.

+235 is a country code number

+235 is the country code for Chad.

+56 is a country code number

+56 is the country code for Chile.

+86 is a country code number

+86 is the country code of China.

+57 is a country code number

+57 is the country code of Colombia.

+242 is a country code number

+242 is the country code of Congo.

+682 is a country code number

+682 is the country code for Cook Islands.

+506 is a country code number

+506 is the country code for Costa Rica.

+53 is a country code number

+53 is the country code for Cuba.

+253 is a country code number

+253 is the country code of Djibouti.

+1890 is a country code number

+1890 country code for Dominica representative country.

+593 is a country code number

+593 is the country code of Ecuador.

+20 country code number

+20 is the country code of Egypt.

+503 is a country code number

+503 EI is the country code for Salvador.

+251 is a country code number

+251 is the country code of Ethiopia.

+679 is a country code number

+679 is the country code of Fiji.

+594 is a country code number

Country code for French Guiana (+594).

+241 is a country code number

The country code for Gabon (+241).

+220 is a country code number

The country code for Gambia (+220).

+995 is a country code number

Country code for Georgia (+995).

+233 is a country code number

Country code for Ghana (+233).

+350 is a country code number

The country code for Gibraltar (+350).

+1809 is a country code number

The country code for Grenada (+1809).

+1671 is a country code number

The country code for Guam (+1671).

+502 is a country code number

The country code for Guatemala (+502).

+224 is a country code number

Country code for Guinea (+224).

+592 is a country code number

The country code for Guyana (+592).

+509 is a country code number

The country code for Haiti (+509).

+504 is a country code number

Country code for Honduras (+504).

+852 is a country code number

Country code for Hong Kong (+852).

+62 is a country code number

Country code for Indonesia (+62).

+964 is a country code number

Country code for Iraq (+964).

+225 is a country code number

Country code for Ivory Coast (+225).

+1876 is a country code number

The country code of Jamaica (+1876).

+962 is a country code number

The country code for Jordan (+962).

+855 is a country code number

Country code for Kampuchea (Cambodia) (+855).

+327 is a country code number

Kazakhstan (+327) country code.

+331 is a country code number

Country code for Kyrgyzstan (+331).

+856 is a country code number

The country code for Laos (+856).

+266 is a country code number

The country code for Lesotho (+266).

+231 is a country code number

Country code for Kyrgyzstan (+331).

+218 is a country code number

Country code for Libya (+218).

+ 853 is a country code number

The country code for Macau (+853).

+261 is a country code number

Country code for Madagascar (+261).

+265 is a country code number

The country code for Malawi (+265).

+960 is a country code number

Maldives (+960) country code.

+223 is a country code number

Country code for Mali (+223).

+1670 is a country code number

Mariana Is (+1670) country code.

+596 is a country code number

Country code for Martinique (+596).

+230 is a country code number

Country code for Mauritius (+230).

+52 is a country code number

Country code for Mexico (+52).

+1664 is a country code number

The country code for Montserrat is (+1664).

+212 is a country code number

The country code for Morocco (+212).

+258 is a country code number

The country code for Mozambique (+258).

+264 is a country code number

The country code for Namibia (+264).

+674 is a country code number

The country code for Nauru (+674).

+977 is a country code number

Country code for Nepal (+977).

+599 is a country code number

Nether Antilles (+599) country code.

+64 is a country code number

Country code for New Zealand (+64).

+260 is a country code number

The country code for Zambia (+260).

+505 is a country code number

Country code for Nicaragua (+505).

+227 is a country code number

The country code for Niger (+227).

+234 is a country code number

Country code for Nigeria (+234).

+850 is a country code number

Country code for North Korea (+850).

+968 is a country code number

Country code for Oman (+968).

+92 is a country code number

Country code for Pakistan (+92).

+507 is a country code number

Country code for Panama (+507).

+675 is a country code number

Country code for Papua New Guinea (+675).

+595 is a country code number

The country code for Paraguay (+595).

+51 is a country code number

Country code for Peru (+51).

+63 is a country code number

Philippines (+63) country code.

+689 is a country code number

Country code for French Polynesia (+689).

+1787 is a country code number

Puerto Rico (+1787) country code.

+262 is a country code number

Reunion (+262) is the country code of the country.

+7 country code number

Country code of Russia (+7).

+1758 is a country code number

Saint Louis (+1758) country code.

+1784 is a country code number

Saint Louis (+1758) country code.

+684 is a country code number

The country code for Samoa Western (+685).

+239 is a country code number

The country code for Sao Tome and Principe (+239).

+221 is a country code number

The country code for Senegal (+221).

+248 is a country code number

The country code for Seychelles (+248).

+232 is a country code number

The country code for Sierra Leone (+232).

+65 is a country code number

Country code for Singapore (+65).

+386 is a country code number

Country code for Slovenia (+386).

+677 is a country code number

Solomon Is (+677) country code.

+252 is a country code number

Country code for Somalia (+252).

+94 is a country code number

Country code for Sri Lanka (+94).

+1758 is a country code number

Saint Lucia (+1758) country code.

+1748 is a country code number

Saint Vincent (+1784) country code.

+249 is a country code number

Country code for Sudan (+249).

+597 is a country code number

The country code for Suriname (+597).

+268 is a country code number

Swaziland (+268) country code.

+963 is a country code number

Country code for Syria (+963).

+886 is a country code number

The country code for Taiwan (+886).

+992 is a country code number

Country code for Tajikistan (+992).

+255 is a country code number

Country code for Tanzania (+255).

+66 is a country code number

Country code for Thailand (+66).

+228 is a country code number

Country code for Togo (+228).

+676 is a country code number

The country code for Tonga (+676).

+1868 is a country code number

The country code of Trinidad and Tobago (+1868).

+993 is a country code number

Country code for Turkmenistan (+993).

+256 is a country code number

Country code for Uganda (+256).

+380 is a country code number

Country code for Ukraine (+380).

+971 is a country code number

The country code of United Arab Emirates (+971).

+598 is a country code number

Country code for Uruguay (+598).

+998 is a country code number

Country code for Uzbekistan (+998).

+58 is a country code number

Country code for Venezuela (+58).

+84 is a country code number

Country code for Vietnam (+84).

+967 is a country code number

Country code for Yemen (+967).

+263 is a country code number

The country code for Zimbabwe (+263).

+243 is a country code number

Country code for Zaire (+243).

+213 is a country code number

The country code for Algeria (+213).

+216 is a country code number

The country code for Tunisia (+216).

+93 is a country code number

+93 is the country code of Afghanistan.

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